When I was teaching at a local child care center, I often wished I could bring in outside entertainment or educational programs for my young students. There were times when I just felt they needed a "creative break" from routine or when I just wanted to provide something special as a reward for good behavior. Many times, I oversaw the K-2nd grade students during school holidays and inservice days and realized how "uncool" they felt being left at "daycare" all day. I wanted to add something special and fun to these types of days. Field trips are an option. But as most child care providers will attest, they are not at all easy to plan or facilitate -- especially with younger children. I just wanted something that would break up the routine a bit for the children -- be it a one time activity or possibly something they could look forward to on a weekly or monthly basis.
I began to make calls to various jugglers, storytellers, magicians, and specialty educational programmers. I was shocked and dismayed to find that there was no way that we could afford their services. I often wished that there was someone who could provide the creative mental break my students needed -- but at a price we could afford. A $300 per hour magician was certainly not within our (my) budget.
That is how Pure Imagination began. I love children. I love teaching. I love the creative arts. I love teaching children the creative arts. It's a perfect match. My goal is to keep my services affordable -- so that everyone may experience the joy of Pure Imagination.

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.